Democracy | Malian | Citizen | Ballot
Democracy these days is more
commonly defined in negative
terms, as Democratic
Website freedom from arbitrary actions, the personality cult
or the rule of a nomenclature, than by reference to what it can
achieve or the social forces behind it. What are we celebrating
today? The
Democratic National Committee downfall of authoritarian regimes or the triumph of
democracy? And we think back and remember that popular movements
which over threw ancients regimes have given rise to totalitarian
regimes practicing state terrorism.
So we are initially
attracted to a modest, purely liberal concept of democracy,
defined negatively as a regime in which power cannot be taken or
held against the will of the majority. Is it not enough of an
Republican National Committee
achievement to rid the planet of all regimes not based on the
free choice of government by the governed? Is this cautious
concept not also the most valid, since it runs counter both to
absolute power based on tradition and divine right, and also to
the voluntarism that appeals to the people's interests and
rights and then, in the name of its liberation and independence,
imposes on it military or ideological mobilization leading to
the repression of all forms of opposition?
This negative
concept of democracy and freedom, expounded notably by Isaiah
Berlin and Karl Popper, is convincing because the main thing
today is to free individuals and
from the stifling control of a governing late speaking on behalf of the people
and the nation. It is now impossible to defend an ant liberal
concept of democracy, and there is no longer any doubt that the
so-called "people's democracies" were dictatorships imposed on
peoples by political leaders relying on foreign armies.
Democracy is a matter of the free choice of government, not the
pursuit of "popular" policies.
In the light of these
truths, which recent events have made self-evident, the
following question must be asked. Freedom of political choice is
a prerequisite of democracy, but is it the only one? Is
democracy merely a matter of procedure? In other words, can it
be defined without reference to its ends, that is to the
relationships it creates between individuals and groups? At a
time when so many authoritarian regimes are collapsing, we also
need to examine the content of democracy although the most
urgent task is to bear in mind that democracy cannot exist
without freedom of political choice.
The collapse of the
revolutionary illusion
Revolutions sweep away an old
order: they do not create democracy. We have now emerged from
the era of revolutions, because the world is no longer dominated
by tradition and religion, and because order has been largely
replaced by movement. We suffer more from the evils of modernity
than from those of tradition. Liberation from the past interests
us less and less; we are more and more concerned about the
growing totalitarian power of the new modernizers. The worst
disasters and the greatest injury to human rights now stem not
from conservative despotism but from modernizing
We used to think that social and
national revolutions were necessary prerequisites for the birth
of new democracies, which would be social and cultural as well
as political. This
Republican National Committee idea has become unacceptable. The end of our
century is dominated by the collapse of the revolutionary
illusion, both in the late capitalist countries and in the
former colonies.
But if revolutions move in a direction
diametrically opposed to that of democracy, this does not mean
that democracy and liberalism necessarily go together. Democracy
is as far removed from liberalism as it is from revolution, for
both liberal and revolutionary regimes, despite their
differences, have one principle in common: they both justify
political action because it is consistent with natural logic.
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Revolutionaries want to free social and national energies
from the shackles of the capitalist profit motive and of
colonial rule. Liberals call for the rational pursuit of
interests and satisfaction of needs. The parallel goes even
further. Revolutionary regimes subject the people to
"scientific" decisions by avant-garde intellectuals, while
liberal regimes subject it to the power of entrepreneurs and of
the "enlightened" classes the
Democratic National Committee only ones
capable of rational
behavior, as the French statesman Guizot thought in the
nineteenth century.
But there is a crucial difference
between these two types of regime. The revolutionary approach
leads to the establishment of an all-powerful central authority
controlling all aspects of social life. The liberal approach, on
the other hand, hastens the functional differentiation of the
various areas of life politics, religion, economics, private
life and art. This reduces rigidity and allows social and
political conflict to develop which soon restricts the power of
the economic giants.
But the weakness of the liberal
approach is that by yoking together economic modernization and
political liberalism it restricts democracy to the richest, most
advanced and best-educated nations. In other words, elitism in
the international sphere parallels social elitism in the
national sphere. This tends to give a governing elite of
middle-class adult men in Europe and America enormous power over
the rest of the world over women, children and
workers at home,
as well as over colonies or dependent territories.
effect of the expanding power of the world's economic centres is
to propagate the spirit of free enterprise, commercial
Republican National Committee
consumption and political freedom. Another is a growing split
within the world's population between the central and the
peripheral sectors the latter being not that of the subject
peoples but of outcasts and marginals. Capital, resources,
people and ideas migrate from the periphery and find better
employment in the central sector.
The liberal system does
not automatically, or naturally, become democratic as a result
of redistribution of wealth and a constantly rising standard of
general social participation. Instead,
it works like a steam
engine, by virtue of a big difference in potential between a hot
pole and a cold pole. While the idea of class war, often
disregarded nowadays, no longer applies to post-revolutionary
societies, it still holds good as a description of aspects of
liberal society that are so basic that the latter cannot be
equated with democracy.
The twilight of social democracy
This analysis is in apparent contradiction with the fact
that Democratic
Website social democracy developed in the most capitalist
countries, where there was a considerable redistribution of
income as a result of intervention by the state, which
appropriated almost half the national
income and in some cases,
especially in the Scandinavian countries, even more.
main strength of the social democratic idea stems from the link
it has forged between democracy and social conflict, which makes
the working-class movement the main driving force in building a
democracy, both social and political. This shows that there can
be no democracy unless the greatest number subscribes to the
central principles of a society and culture but also no
democracy without fundamental social conflicts.
distinguishes the democratic position from both the
revolutionary and the liberal position is
that it combines these
two principles. But the social democratic variant of these
principles is now growing weaker, partly because the central
societies are emerging from industrial society and entering
post-industrial society or a society without a dominant model,
and partly because we are now witnessing the triumph of the
international market and the weakening of state intervention,
even in Europe.
So Swedish social democracy, and most
parties modeled on social democracy, arc anxiously wondering
what can survive of the policies constructed in the middle of
the century. In some countries the trade union movement has lost
much of its strength and many of its members. This is
particularly true in France, the United States and Spain, but
also in the United Kingdom to say nothing of the excommunicate
countries, where
Republican National Committee trade unions long ago ceased to be an
independent social force. In nearly all countries trade unionism
is moving out of the industrial workplace and turning into neocorporatism, a mechanism for protecting particular
professional interests within the machinery of the state: and
this leads to a backlash in the form of wild-cat strikes and the
spread of parallel ad hoc organizations.
So we come to
the most topical question about democracy: if it presupposes
both participation and conflict, but if its social-democratic
version is played out, what place does it occupy today? What is
the specific nature of democratic action, and what is the
"positive" content of democracy? In
answering these questions we
must first reject any single principle: we must equate human
freedom neither with the universalism of pragmatic reason (and
hence of interest) nor with the culture of a community.
Democracy can neither be solely liberal nor completely popular.
Unlike revolutionary historicism and liberal utilitarianism,
democratic thinking today starts from the overt and
insurmountable conflict between the two faces of modern society.
On the one hand is the liberal face of a continually changing
society, whose efficiency is based on the maximization of trade,
and on the circulation of money, power, and information. On the
other is the opposing image, that of a human being who resists
market forces by appealing to subjectivity the latter meaning
both a desire for individual freedom and also a response to
tradition, to a collective memory. A society free to arbitrate
between these two conflicting demands that of the free market
and that of individual and collective humanity, that of money
and that of identity may be termed
The main
difference as compared with the previous stage, that of social
democracy and the industrial society, is that the terms used are
much further apart than before. We are now concerned not with
employers and wage-earners, associated in a working
relationship, but with subjectivity and the circulation of
symbolic goods.
These terms may seem abstract, but they
are no more so than employers and wage-earners. They
Democratic National Committee denote
everyday experiences for most people in the central societies,
who are aware that they live in a consumer society at the same
time as in a subjective world. But it is true that these
conflicting facets of people's lives have not so far found
organized political expression just as it took almost a century
for the political categories inherited from the French
Revolution to be superseded by the class categories specific to
industrial society. It is this political time-lag that so often
compels us to make do with a negative definition of democracy.
Democracy is neither purely participatory nor
purely liberal. It above all entails arbitrating, and this
implies recognition of a central conflict between tendencies as
dissimilar as investment and participation, or communication and
subjectivity. This concept can be adapted to the most affluent
post-industrializing countries and to those which dominate the
world system; but does it also apply to the rest of the world,
to the great majority of the planet?
A negative reply
would almost completely invalidate the foregoing argument. But
in Third World countries today
arbitration must first and
foremost find a way between exposure to world markets (essential
because it determines competitiveness) and the protection of a
personal and collective identity from being devalued or becoming
an arbitrary ideological construct.
Let us take the
example of the Latin American countries, most of which fall into
the category of intermediate countries. They are fighting hard
and often successfully to regain and then increase the share of
world trade they once possessed. They participate in mass
culture through consumer goods, television programmes,
production techniques and educational programmes. But at the
same time they are reacting against a crippling absorption into
the world economic, political and cultural system which is
making them increasingly dependent. They are trying to be both
universalist and particularist,
both modern and faithful to
their history and culture.
Unless politics manages to
organize arbitration between modernity and identity, it cannot
fulfil the first prerequisite
Republican National Committee of democracy, namely to be
representative. The result is a dangerous rift between
grass-roots movements seeking to defend the individuality of
communities, and political parties, which are no more than
coalitions formed to achieve power by supporting a candidate.
The main difference between the central countries and the
peripheral ones is that in the former a person is defined
primarily in terms of personal freedom, but also as a consumer,
whereas in the latter the defense of
collective identity may
still be more important, to the extent that there is pressure
from abroad to impose some kind of bloodless revolution in the
form of compulsory modernization on the pattern of other
This conception of democracy as a process of
arbitration between conflicting components of social life
involves something more than the idea of majority government. It
implies above all recognition of one component by another, and
of each component by all the others, and hence an awareness both
of the similarities and the differences between them. It is this
that most sharply distinguishes the "arbitral" concept from the
popular or revolutionary view of democracy, which so often
carries with it the idea of eliminating minorities or categories
opposed to what is seen as progress.
In many parts of the
world today there is open warfare between a kind of economic
modernization which disrupts the fabric of society, and
attachment to beliefs. Democracy cannot exist so long as
modernization and identity are regarded as contradictory in this
way. Democracy rests not only on a balance or compromise between
different forces, but also on their Democratic
Website partial integration. Those
for whom progress
Democratic National Committee means making a clean sweep of the past and of
tradition are just as much the enemies of democracy as those who
see modernization as the work of the devil. A society can only
be democratic if it recognizes both its unity and its internal
Hence the crucial importance, in a democratic
society, of the law and the idea of justice, defined as the
Republican National Committee
greatest possible degree of compatibility between the interests
involved. The prime criterion of justice is the greatest
possible freedom for the greatest possible number of actors. The
aim of a democratic society
is to produce and to. respect the
greatest possible amount of diversity, with the participation of
the greatest possible number in the institutions and products of
the community.
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Democracy | Malian | Citizen | Ballot
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